Thursday, September 15, 2011

Journal Prompt #9 "You can love completely without complete understanding."

     Wow. To love completely without complete understanding. Those are some pretty powerful words. Sometimes I think that we all get wrapped up in who we think people are instead of just letting them be who they are. Getting to know someone and the little things that make them their own are what people fall in love with. But if we started appreciating and loving someone before we really got to know them. Would that change our view of them. Definitely. Maybe it's someone who's already in your life, someone you already know. No one person is perfect. We all struggle, we're all tempted, and it's inevitable that at some point the road will be rough. As much as we like to think we do, we really don't know all that is going on in some one's life. We don't know, we can't relate and we can't help. All we can do is just stand by and love. Lome them all the more. Love them even when you can't understand completely.

1 comment:

  1. "All you need is love." The Beatles - did they have that right?
