Thursday, September 1, 2011

Journal Prompt #4 ~The Voice of Fear

       Once upon a time I went cliff jumping.  Now one might think that I was scared to jump off that 50 foot cliff, but oh no.  I love the adrenaline rush as I'm flying through the air and the jolting smack when I hit the water.  You see, what really had me shaking in my pants that day was the deep water I was treading in waiting for my fellow "jumpee" to clear the cliff.  Now that I look back on it, the situation was a wee bit backwards and definitely humorous, but I tell ya what, that water had me ready to pee my pants I was so freaked out. 
      Sometimes I can hear the voice of fear and it's opinion on the matter of that fateful day. "Well Katie, I'd have to say that you are definitely one of my most interesting clients.  I would not have guessed this outcome.  I had imagined you a bit more nervous at the top of the cliff, not the bottom.  I expected to hear a squeal of fear as you flew through the air, not as you sat in the water.  Ha, I dub you as crazy.  Nevertheless I still did my job that day.  Good work Katie, good work."                                      


  1. Nice work! You personify fear well. And I love the "interesting client" bit - made me smile.

  2. I love how this shows your uniqueness! This is why we're friends!!! :).
