Friday, November 18, 2011

"Life is like a box of chocolates..."

      I think Winston Groom wanted is as readers to view people in a different way. Too quick are we to judge others or to form opinions based on their circumstances. Each and everyone of us are big ol' two-legged piece of potential no matter what may be our obstacles.
     People looked at and treated Forrest differently because of his disability. They saw him as only an "idiot" or tool to use at their own disposal. They failed to see him as an individual. Forrest achieved great things throughout his life. And even greater when it was his desire. He found love, made good friends, and did right by his ma.
     Forrest overcame and so can we. We don't need to let peoples views of us, their opinions, or our circumstances limit us. Forrest sure didn't. I think that's what Winston Groom was trying to get at.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Mama Gump

Dear diary,
     I don't know where to start. Ever since my husband died, I've been fighting. Fighting to keep the house, fighting to keep Forrest out of trouble, fighting to put food on the table, and now I'm fighting to bring our troops back. I hated with all my heart to see them take my little boy away from me. 
     That poor idiot over there probably has no idea what's going on. I sure hated to see him go. It wasn't right for them to take him away from me like they did. The last I heard of him he had gotten shot. I don't know where he is now. I pray every night for him. Well I best be on my way.
                                                                                  Mama Gump 

Thursday, November 3, 2011

~Lest We Forget~

I'd like to think that I am safe
From danger and from harm
And people everyday, somewhere
Fight and take up arms

To fight for freedom, glory, home
And all for which they stand
Those men and women die for us
This soil and this land

But as we go through everyday
Do we spare a thought
For how much blood and lives were lost
As these soldiers fought

Do we stop to think about
Those families left at home
Wives, husbands, children too
Are left behind, alone

I wonder how they make it through
A day there on the front
To leave their loved ones all behind
And here I must be blunt

Too easily we all forget
The sacrifices made
So you can stay here behind
Not alone, not scared, safe