Monday, May 14, 2012

      I think that humans do tend to harm each other. I think that humans are innately sinful and selfish, this would mean that they tend to be hurtful towards humans. It does sound a bit pessimist but I believe it to be true. Granted that  this doesn't mean that everyone isn't always self-centered and mean, but its a natural tendency.
      For example, in a situation of life or death an individual will be more likely to be thinking of themselves than the person next to them. They will be concerned for their own safety and survival. Because people are naturally selfish that would be the most plausible response.
      So to sort of wrap it up I do think that humans tend to harm each other. This may not be their specific intent but because we are selfish we sometimes wind up hurting others because we are putting ourselves first.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Water for Elephants: A Refreshing Pachydermal Adventure

Movie Review by: Fantastical Kritic  Katie Fischer

                                    Jacob's fate is being decided by August the psychotic circus owner

A beautiful adaptation of the novel, Francis Lawrence's Water for Elephants is sure to blow you away. Sarah Gruen's novel shows the grittiness of the Depression and romanticizes a story of an ivy-league almost graduate who ditches finals and hops a train in hopes of escaping his sorrows. Unbeknownst to Jacob, it was a circus train and he finds himself on a wild adventure that intertwines him with a dwarf, an elephant, and Marlena, the love of his life.

In the novel Gruen shows the dirty life of the circus in the 1930's and the Depression that affected everybody. The circus was an illusion, tricking and scamming people into spending their money.
In the movie Water for Elephants, Francis Lawrence captures the grittiness and genuinity of the book, casting great characters for Jacob (Robert Pattinson), Marlena (Reese Witherspoon), and August (Christoph Waltz), and perfectly capturing the theme and emotion of Gruen's novel.

The movie purely reflects the book and the mood of the story. This romanticized, pathetic story of two individuals brought together by fate, battling against all odds, is put to picture and beautiful cinematography. I truly fell in love with it. I hated August, pitied, Rosie (the circus's elephant), and was scared for Marlena. I was right in all the action as if I was standing right there beside Jacob when he first met Rosie, or when he lashed out at August. I felt the emotion of Jacob when his friends were redlighted. I got an inside look at what life in the circus and the Depression was really like. From a well written and researched novel came a wonderfully captivating film. 

The plot was a close as a two hour movie could be to it's novel. It kept the same rising and falling action as well as the same resolution. Reading the book and watching the movie do not ruin the other, only compliment eachother. And I would highly reccomend this movie to all.

Friday, December 9, 2011

...thoughts from Marlena...

Dear Diary,
     He did it again. He's subtly punishing me. The elephant act was almost a disaster if I hadn't saved it, but at my own expense. That seems to happen a lot these days. And now I'm unable to walk my feet hurt so badly. So I've decided to write instead of grovel in what my life has become. I feel sometimes like the horses are the only thing keeping me from leaving the circus...and August. But other times I make a stand with a strength I didn't know I possessed. If only my act could become my life. Maybe then I could escape. Escape this masquerade and this offstage sideshow act of a life. 

Friday, December 2, 2011

~Running Away to the Circus~

I want to get away
Away from it all
To not have to think
Ignorance is bliss

My circus is any backwoods gravel road
One that I can walk on till it ends, if ever'
A road that I know not where it goes
So I may walk without worry
Resting in the peace of the unknown

The known
What I know is what drives me to this circus
Things I'd wish I'd never heard
Words I'd hop I never heard
Things I'd rather been left unsaid

I want to get away
Away from it all
So I'll run away to the circus
I'll walk down this road
Till it all goes away

Friday, November 18, 2011

"Life is like a box of chocolates..."

      I think Winston Groom wanted is as readers to view people in a different way. Too quick are we to judge others or to form opinions based on their circumstances. Each and everyone of us are big ol' two-legged piece of potential no matter what may be our obstacles.
     People looked at and treated Forrest differently because of his disability. They saw him as only an "idiot" or tool to use at their own disposal. They failed to see him as an individual. Forrest achieved great things throughout his life. And even greater when it was his desire. He found love, made good friends, and did right by his ma.
     Forrest overcame and so can we. We don't need to let peoples views of us, their opinions, or our circumstances limit us. Forrest sure didn't. I think that's what Winston Groom was trying to get at.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Mama Gump

Dear diary,
     I don't know where to start. Ever since my husband died, I've been fighting. Fighting to keep the house, fighting to keep Forrest out of trouble, fighting to put food on the table, and now I'm fighting to bring our troops back. I hated with all my heart to see them take my little boy away from me. 
     That poor idiot over there probably has no idea what's going on. I sure hated to see him go. It wasn't right for them to take him away from me like they did. The last I heard of him he had gotten shot. I don't know where he is now. I pray every night for him. Well I best be on my way.
                                                                                  Mama Gump 

Thursday, November 3, 2011

~Lest We Forget~

I'd like to think that I am safe
From danger and from harm
And people everyday, somewhere
Fight and take up arms

To fight for freedom, glory, home
And all for which they stand
Those men and women die for us
This soil and this land

But as we go through everyday
Do we spare a thought
For how much blood and lives were lost
As these soldiers fought

Do we stop to think about
Those families left at home
Wives, husbands, children too
Are left behind, alone

I wonder how they make it through
A day there on the front
To leave their loved ones all behind
And here I must be blunt

Too easily we all forget
The sacrifices made
So you can stay here behind
Not alone, not scared, safe